
Trade Performance of India: Trends In Trade, Tariff & Participation In International Trade Regimes.

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India’s merchandise trade is estimated to have hit $1,010 billion in FY 2021-2022. Goods exports crossed the ambitious target of $400 billion, while imports touched $589 billion till the beginning of Februarty2022. Exports reached USD 497.90 billion while imports reached USD 512 billion during FY2020-21; Engineering goods, petroleum products, computer & IT services are major export categories whereas imports are mainly dominated by petroleum & mineral products. Merchandise exports began to rebound in 2021-22 due to increasing demand & expansionary monetary policy adopted by developed countries in response to the impact of covid pandemic. Heavy dependence on imports of essential commodities has kept trade deficit at high level. India has a net surplus in its services trade. Computer, information & telecommunication services remain the largest category of services exports. ‘Other business services’ is the major category of services import; However, the category exhibit declining trend. Overall Merchandise export to GDP ratio shows declining trend whereas overall services export to GDP ratio shows uptrend. USA, China & UAE are top trading partners of India. In terms of Investment, India is a net recipient of FDI. India actively participates in various bilateral, plurilateral as well as multilateral trade platforms to integrate India with global economy; Free Trade Agreements with Georgia, EU, UK, EFTA are under progress. India’s Simple MFN Applied Tariffs are relatively high in general and with respect to agricultural Sector in particular. Merchandise Exports from India Scheme, Service Exports from India Scheme, Exclusive Export Zones are some of major schemes of Indian government which are aimed towards making Indian manufactures & service providers more competitive & sustainable in global market.

This PPT provides ‘To The Point Information’ of India’s trade performance by analyzing India’s progress on crucial trade parameters. It is aimed at providing valuable ‘ready to use information’ to businesses across the globe & minimize their efforts, cost & time in finding the relevant researched data. Specific contents of this PPT  is given in description box.  Check ‘Description box below, for detail description’ of this product. DOWNLOAD NOW. USE IT FOREVER.

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*Extremely Useful For Industry Professionals.

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Product Title :

Trade Performance of India: Trends In Trade, Tariff & Participation In International Trade Regimes.

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Product Description:

This PPT provides ‘To The Point Information’ of India’s trade performance by analyzing India’s progress on crucial trade parameters. This presentation on trade analysis of India is aimed at providing valuable ‘ready to use information’ to businesses across the globe & minimize their efforts, cost & time in finding the relevant researched data. 

Specific Contents Of This PPT Are As Follows:  

  1. Key Highlights : – Research summary is provided at the beginning in the form of key highlights which draws attention to important results of the research presentation.
  2. Overall Growth Of Trade : – India’s trade pattern has been explored by analyzing specific components of trade such as import, export, trade balance for the years 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, April-Dec 2021
  3. Trends In Merchandise Trade: – In this section, the research  focuses on merchandise trade & provides relevant information of imports, exports, trade balance for the years 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19,2019-20, 2020-21, April-Dec 2021 .
  4. Trends In Services Trade: – Next, the presentation provides overview of services trade of India. The section analyses India’s service trade performance by analyzing overall exports, imports, trade balance of services for the years 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, April-Nov2021.
  5. Export To GDP Ratio: – Moreover, the research also throws light on India’s export to GDP ratio for merchandise & services separately which further highlights  importance of international trade to Indian economy. Export to GDP ratio has been assessed for the years 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21.
  6. Major Export Destinations And Import Sources: – After that, the presentation reveals top export destinations of India as well as top import sources for the years  2019-20, 2020-21, April-Dec 2021
  7. Top Export Commodities: – Further, trends in top export commodities of India has been analyzed for the years 2019-20, 2020-21, April-Dec 2021.
  8. Top Import Commodities: – Subsequently, this section provides details on India’s top import commodities for the years 2019-20, 2020-21, April-Dec 2021.
  9. Top Categories Of Services Exports : – This section provides information on India’s top categories of services exports & reveals trade pattern by comparing shares of major categories of exports to total services export in the year 2015-16 & 2019-2020.
  10. Top Categories Of Services Imports: – Similarly, this section provides information on India’s top categories of services imports & reveals trade pattern by comparing shares of major categories of imports to total services export in the year 2015-16 & 2019-2020.
  11. Trade With ASEAN: – Next, the research focuses on India’s trade with various regions & international trade blocs. To begin with, Trade with ASEAN for the years 201-19, 2020-21,April-Nov2021 has been evaluated along with the trading patterns with India’s top trading partners in this region. 
  12. Trade With West Asia & North Africa (WANA): – Later, the section provides overview of India’s trade with WANA region for the year 2020-21 & unveils trade with top trading partners in the region.
  13. Trade With Latin America & Caribbean (LAC) region: – Then, the research compares growth in India’s merchandise trade with LAC region from 2000-01 to 2020-21. Eventually, imports as well as exports for the year 2019-2020 & 2020-21 with LAC region has been evaluated.
  14. Trade With The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS )Region: – Similarly, trading patterns with CIS region has been studied in this section. The period of review consists of years 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, April-Nov2021.
  15. Trade With The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Countries: – India’s merchandise trade performance with USA, Canada & Mexico has been evaluated for the years 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21 by focusing on each counties’ imports, exports & trade balances separately.
  16. Trade With European Union (EU) Region: – Then, the research focuses on bilateral trade with one of the most important trading region viz; European Union. Trading pattern for this region has been analyzed for the year 2020-21(April-December) & 2021-2022(April-December).
  17. International Investment Scenario: – This section provides overview of India’s international investment scenario by revealing  key insights about FDI flows. FDI inward flows & outward flows have been analyzed separately. Data for the years 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21(P) 2021-22(Up to September) has been considered while assessing FDI inflows whereas  data for the years 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 has been considered for assessing outflows of FDI.
  18. Major Bilateral and Plurilateral Trade Agreements: – This section provides overview of India’s engagement in international trade through its participation in various bilateral & multilateral trade agreements such as SEAN-India Free Trade Area (AIFTA ),CECAs, CEPAs & so on.
  19. Participation In Key International Trade Organizations & Multilateral Platforms Of Trade Negotiations : – Next, this section provides relevant information on India’s participation in key international trade organizations & multilateral platforms of trade such as WTO,UNCTAD, BIMSTEC, GSTP, BRICS and so on.. to integrate with global economy.
  20. Tariff Policy: – Further, the research focuses on understanding changes in tariff patterns & tariff structure of India
  21. Important Export Promotion Schemes: – Lastly, the presentation summarizes key export promotion schemes of government of India which are intended towards boosting trade further.
  22. Sources: – List of sources added at the end of the presentation.

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9 reviews for Trade Performance of India: Trends In Trade, Tariff & Participation In International Trade Regimes.

  1. Harshal Kumar

    Randomly saw an advertisemnt about this product on youtube, the research & ppt presentation is just i required it to be. Where can i search your other research stuff on this or similar topic ?

  2. Daisy R

    Very good analysis & equally good presentation

  3. Asitama

    Good PPT.

  4. Rajasree Kamath

    Hello, I purchased 1st time from this website. I downloaded two articles one is this & another one of cermaic tiles production overview. Both articles are good.

  5. Isabel R

    Good Analysis. Nice Presentation ????

  6. Melvin D’Souza

    Excellent Presentation! & Price to download full presentation is also very reasonable.

  7. Ketan

    Nice concept. I downloaded this article i must say, the research is very well done and presentation is good. why r u selling it at such low price?

  8. HarpreetGaur


  9. zuber

    It is very informative resentation. I liked this work.

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